Tuesday, June 01, 2010

KSS Sports Day 2010

Apologies for the long long absence from updating the blog. This year seems extraordinarily busy!

Thanks to the husband who uploaded all the photos from his phone, I guess a good place as any to jumpstart this blog back into life again, is with the KSS Sports Day on Sunday.

This is our first ever KSS Sports Day. In fact, this is first time we are joining the Sunday School bunch from church in an outing of this nature. And it's a first for Dylan too.

Initially planned for East Coast Park, the Sunday School teachers made the call the change the venue to Katong Park, after the oil spill last Thursday saw stretches of the beach coated in crude oil.

We reached the park at quarter past nine, and the sky was overcast, with rain clouds overhead and the slightest drizzle.

But uncle Danny gathered the whole bunch of us and prayed that God would clear the rain clouds and give us sun. And that's exactly what we got! After a short drizzle, the clouds parted revealing a clear blue sky. Amen!

The teachers grouped the 30 plus kids into Green, Orange, Yellow, Pink and Blue teams by tying the colored ribbons around each child's wrists, and commenced the team games.

Game Number #1 was treasure hunt - kiddies had to search the park for 20 colored ping pong balls, and the first team to return with the most balls won.

Game Number #2 was a passing the ball game.

Game Number #3 was Ping Pong Ball and Spoon. The first team to have all members walk the length of the track and back with the ball in the spoon won. Our Dylan didn't do too badly, as you can see!

egg and spoon.jpg

Game Number #4 was all about filling up the bucket across the field with as much water as your sponge would hold!

running with wet sponge.jpg

Game Number #5 taught the children how to quickly get your wet laundry pegged up on the clothesline.

running with wet cloth.jpg

Game Number #6, after the kids (and adults too!) took a water break, the game turned its focus on "Sabo-ing" the parents. This mommy had to somehow wade through the sea of children in blind-fold to identify her son. You can see Aunty PS "ba-kat-ing" with the boy on how to call out to Mommy!

Mommy in blindfold.jpg
"Hey, Aunty Ch-Ee, no peeking!"
with poh suan.jpg
"Dylan - call out to your mommy, ok?"

Clearly, everyone had a great time, many thanks to the tireless Sunday School aunties and uncles who took great pains to make sure that it was the case. Through the games, I also got to watch my little boy learn to play by the rules, stand in line and wait patiently for the game, and cheer his teammates on.

who is a winner.jpgcheering on.jpg

Seeing that Dylan was learning indeed to follow the rules and respond to instruction was reassuring. Especially since just that Tuesday, at the Nursery Teacher-Meet-Parent, his teacher alerted me to her observation that he really is "beyond active" and may need to be sent for assessment.

What makes the day memorable, for me, was also the fact that all of us - Daddy, Gareth, Dylan and I - got to spend quality family time with God's people. I couldn't be more thankful!
