Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Let sleeping babes lie.

One of our best moments, as new parents, is cradling the little one to sleep.

And we type away at the keyboard, or sit at the couch watching the latest episode of Heroes, CSI or Seinfeld, having his little warm body rest limp and soft upon our chest or lap. In fact, as I type babt DM stirs in his sleep on my lap in protest.

Some of these moments are captured here:


In the study, while Daddy works at his latest interview report on One-North tenants:


A close-up - My Mom-in-law (henceforth to be known as MIL)jokes that this is his thinking pose:


There's a photo of him sleeping against Daddy's bare chest. But to protect my husband's modesty, here's one of him being fed by Daddy, after having "worked" for his milk. (grinz)


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