Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Farewell Party at LC Playgroup

This morning at the LC playgroup, the moms threw a simple farewell do for us since this was Dylan's last time at the playgroup, party hats included!

We took the opportunity to give some of D's more bulky toys to the playgroup so that the other children can get to play with them. Although it led to a few tears when D couldn't bear to see other kiddies on his beloved trike, in the end his parting gift of a Thomas & Friends Percy engine and Jeremy airplane more than made up for it!

Am very touched indeed by this warm gesture! There so much to be thankful for, in the kind and warm folks that God sent our way in the past 11 months to share their motherhood journeys with me.

Which just makes me think - if mommies in Singapore had time to spare, what's stopping us from forming a playgroup that's free for other moms to join, and use a simple weekly fee of $2 or $3 per child to buy a pool of toys to share so that our tots have a place to meet up weekly for unstructured play time?

Maybe it's a culture thing - ie. Singaporean mommies prefer to own their toys, or prefer to pay premium fees to send their kids to expensive structured play programs.

Again, thanks to the indoor setting and my photography skills (lack of), will keep the size small to minimize the blurriness:

Eating cake with an Elmo party hat atop D's head:
Teary, but still hungry enough to eat cakeYum.

D watches on as the spread gets consumed by moms and bubs alike, later hops on his trike for a final ride before generously passing it on to his Aussie friends:
Look at the spreadMy Elmo Party Hat!Getting a push from a friend

1 comment:

  1. totally agree with u abt the playgroup thing.... but needs dedicated mothers to run it weekly... plus its really hard to find enough mothers who don't work!. it may end up as a playgroup with helpers accompanying their kids... too diff a setting we have here unfortunately:(
