Tuesday, February 02, 2010

G is 5 months old!

I learnt today from Elroy who visited a psychiatric ward this morning, that there is such a thing as Post Partum Psychosis. A patient in that condition can totally lose touch with reality, and regress into an infant-like state.

He described this woman who gave birth in November last year. She returned to work and suddenly started speaking and behaving as though she was a toddler, becoming extremely child-like in her mannerisms.

While not as extreme, in some ways I've regressed into an infant-like state after going back to work in January too.

In that come 9.30pm every night, as I tuck the two boys into bed I find myself invariably succumbing to the thick ooze of sleep myself. Just so, so dead tired.

It seems between work, commuting to and from work, and the little snatches of time over dinner spent feeding the toddler and playing with the baby, there is just no more time and energy left to do other things.

What of weekends? Between the work weeks in January we've been shuttling between JB and Singapore to spend time with the Daddy who's based there this year.

So no more time to write too, for that matter - therefore why this blog's been inactive since Dec 09.

It's now Feb, and I think time to start regaining my wits about me... and not succumb to sleep and fatigue at the end of a long day. Hopefully will be more disciplined now to update the blog more often!

In the meantime, little G has grown and grown. While his big brother has started second year of school at BKK's nursery program.

At his recent vaccination, we found he is now 8.4kg and 66cm long, a whopping size compared to his brother at the same age!

Just look at this cutie!

Under his playgym:
Under the Play Gym

Tummy time (an old photo of G, then 4-months old!)
Tummy Time

During the weekend road-trips up to JB, the little angel sits quietly and contentedly in his infant car seat, enjoying the views:


May this mommy endeavor to be less sleepy and more productive in recording down how her babies are growing!

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