Saturday, March 24, 2007


Hooray! The test is finally over, and E is now a free man!

Just want to thank everyone for keeping us in your prayers this week. It's been a great week by all accounts.

E's finally done with the test that he's prepared so long for today. We woke up really early this morning, poor Dylan was still groggy and all sleepy-headed, and we bathed him and got off to a really early start towards RELC at 7.30am.

I received Harvard's confirmation of my place, and what's better is how God has brought fellow Singaporeans currently in Cambridge, MA, in touch with me, to give advice on housing, and what furniture they can pass us.

Not to mention I also got my PB, plus news of New Singapore Shares - a real bonus considering that I'll be on no-pay leave in April.

Truly, Jehovah Jireh! God provides when we least expect him to. And He always does so beyond all measures we can imagine.

In two days, our Dylan will also officially turn three months old!

Let's count his achievements - He's now able to:

  1. Support his head on his arms when he's on his tummy.

  2. Whoaraahr
  3. Smile spontaneously (especially if you make funny faces and call him by his name!)14 March 2007
  4. Sit up while propped against cushions
  5. Sitting up 2
  6. Use his hands to hit objects that are interesting to him

  7. Make funny faces with sounds like "ah -goo". "murm- mah" (precursor to "mama"?), "ah -boo", "eurgh", "brph".

Yo - this is my mom

Some things don't change, though. He still:

  1. Cries when he gets into the car seat
  2. Cries when he's left alone for too long
  3. Cries when he's over at grandma's and mama and papa are gone too long.

Oh well.

We count our blessings one, by one.

Just as E crosses one hurdle, we now look forward to the next hurdle, when the results of the test come out and he starts applying for admission.

In bed with mom & dad

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