Monday, June 11, 2007

Little Andrea

Our neighbours, Adrian and Agnes, have three lovely kids.

The youngest girl, Andrea, is six years old and can read just about anything. Her mom taught her phonics, she tells me. She isn't just lovely with her big brown eyes. She's really bright, this one.

At around 6pm everyday, she'll come around to our place, stand outside the gate and shout "Dylan, Dylan!".

She loves my baby boy, to the chagrin of grandpa who generally finds all three kids a nuisance. According to my MIL, if he had things his way "Dylan won't have any friends at all". To me, he's just an over-protective grandpa wanting to keep the nasty germs out of Dylan's system, now with HFMD back on the rise. I have these horrible thoughts myself, God help me!

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